Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Busy Bee

I am balls deep in volunteering this summer + work during the weekends.
So far, the only thing that I am complaining about is the commute. It's times like these when I wish I drove already.
NTS: must get more driving practice + get on that G2 exit stat!

This will be a summer of multitasking and I hate to say it, but another summer of no vacations (probably). Friends are asking me to book off weeks or weekends for camping and cottage and mall-ratting... um no. I need to decided on my future right now. I don't think you understand it as well I as I do.
My mentor, who I met for the first time today, is certainly kooky. She's into alternative health and traditional Chinese medicine. She's a musician, writer, researcher, etc.
She reminds me of me 20 years from now.
NTS: Figure out your career stat!

On a side note - right foot is still hurting from the walking adventures last week. I wonder if I sprained my ankle, or if I somehow tore a tendon... I may need to walk in shoes with some heel. Flats are currently killing me.

The weather's not really helping with my emotions today. Very confused weather = very confused moi.

On a better note - I just bought a new phone last weekend. It's a Google Nexus 4. No I have not made changes to it - ie. custom roms/mods, rooted it, etc. I need to read up on that BTW. No time right now. Been bookmarking DIY's, in the off-chance that I find time to do it. Will most likely take a day. Will probably do it next year.

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